I've been taking lots of bird pictures over the last month as
they come back to the area (finally). I'm afraid I have become
a bird nerd. We just had a birding festival here, so now I'm hooked.

Trying to get the feeder put away for the summer, but some of us just won't give up trying to use them!

Wilson's Warbler....my new favourite

Chestnut Sided Warbler

Tennessee Warbler (I think)...it landed on my hand, then my camera
as I was sitting on the deck in the morning.

Song Sparrow...singing


Snowy Plover. This little guy has made me somewhat of a
celebrity in the nerdy birding circle. No one has reported seeing one in
the area before.

Semi-Palmated Sandpiper

Cape May Warbler

Black Throated Green Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler

Black and White Warbler (some names are just too obvious)

As usual, the squirrels amuse us. I assume he is resting? Or warming
his belly? Who's to know.

Broad-winged Hawk

Northern Parula...very pretty little guy...quite small

Early violets

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Tundra Swans

Bald Eagle

American Goldfinch (I think a young one from last year)

Adult...so pretty