Had a great time in "sin city", but as you can see from the photos, not much sinning was to be had by us. Spent all our time either walking, taking pictures or snoring the night away from all the walking and taking pictures!

This bronze casting "adorns" the outside of the Riviera where we stayed.
This was the extent of Bruce's sinning!

These were 3 of about 8 gorgeous umbrellas hanging from the
ceiling of the Wynn Hotel.

A hallway in the Venetian Hotel. Nothing ornate about this place!

One of our favourite hotels, the Bellagio. The entrance way by the registration
desk was decorated with these glass flowers. Each of them was probably at least 18 ins
across. Very pretty with the natural light shining through them.

This conservatory in the Bellagio, was very cool. There was a row of about 8 of those
big watering cans constantly watering the gardens below. That snail to the left was made
of rose buds. The poppy was huge, and it too was made of glass. Just amazing.

This tree was very cute. Not sure if there was actually any real wood involved in it's
construction though!

The Wynn hotel in the evening sun.

Caesars Hotel at night. An immense place. The statues at the bottom were backed with what
appeared to be gold...I suspect it wasn't. Very glittery though.

We spent a day exploring Red Rock Canyon Conservation Area. A great spot
with an interpretive centre and a 13 mile drive where we could get out and
poke around in the cactus and rock.

This "tree" was about 6 ft high...wonder how old it was?

Some of the beautiful flowers that manage to spring out of the dry, stony ground.
robust hedgehog cactus (pink); weakstem mariposa lily (mauve);
Englemann's prickly pear (yellow) and haven't figured out the blue one yet.

I really liked this one (globe mallow). The bush was loaded with these orange flowers.

And finally, to prove I was in Vegas, a picture at the airport with a concrete
scorpion. Inset shows the lizard beside it taken from above. Very cool.