new batch of lady slippers
Sorry, prom pictures are still being traded via emails from one "promee" to another so don't have any yet. I do however have pictures of other beauties to show you. Sorry, couldn't resist. (That one was for Tcam)!

Here we are in 2009, empty-nesters with nothing to do but watch the birds and try to keep warm during the long, cold winter! Good to see you, come back anytime, and if you are particularly daring, come up and visit...we'd love to see you.
Nice pictures Susan. I think we've only seen pink Lady Slippers but maybe they're a southern version of the yellow ones. GET THOSE PROM PICTURES - and PRONTO!!
Very nice;
You'll be glad to know your pansies look way better than mine-of course I planted mine last November and they've been blooming ever since.....
Isn't spring wonderful???
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