Would love to send some photos of a puppy small and new,
But the dog we have is old and her attributes are few.
Would love to send some photos of a baby sweet and small
But the kids we have are grown and will not pose at all.
Would love to send some photos of a sunset on the shore
But the view from here is trees and barely anything more.
So here's the latest blog of a delicious lemon pie
Don't know when we took the picture and even wonder why.
Hope everyone is well...we are. Life as we know it as a family of three these
days is about to dwindle to two in a couple weeks. You may want to call every now
and then to make sure we are surviving ;)
Ah, no baby, no sunset, nor puppy
But you do have a pie so tasty and fluffy
Not to mention the moose, the fish and the bear
Amd no traffic jams, no reason to care
Life would be simple with only a pie
And views in the summer of a brilliant starry sky.
But never fear sister dear
Listen and hear
In your future I fear
Will be puppies, sunsets and babies so dear.
The poetic talent in this family is amazing. I just can't compete.
I forgot to take pictures today but we took Harley & Helen on the boat over to Texada for a picnic.
It was a beautiful day.
Our only excitement was crossing the bow of an enormous freighter bearing down on us-we had lots of room but it looked like the battle of David & Goliath for a few minutes.
I must say, that I thought that the west coast might inspire some poetry...gosh it has inspired painters and sculptors, and totem pole makers galore...oh well.
Timberdoodle has outdone (his/herself) however and I am so tickled.
So happy that you liked my ditty so simple and pure,
Tis time now for you to decide "Was it him timberdoodle or her?"
Can't quite be sure of the gendre
Of the poet who sent the last rhyme
But I tend to believe that the sender
Was a timberdoodler woman this time
Now, that's not to say that the other
Isn't clever and witty or smart
But I think that it wasn't my brother
But his wife with a knack for the art
I encourage all others to try it
(To send a brief poem away)
Just take a short moment to visit
Not tomorrow, but here, now, today!
I fear that your poetic challenge
Has fallen on dim and deaf ear
The Powell River gang it seems
Too busy cruising along in low gear.
M & M are obviously busy these days
Their hours they are not their own
Changing diapers, washing sheets and sleepers
To pay their water bill will need a loan!
And then there's Dan the world traveller
Seeing London's towers and castles, long ago built
And when he's not working hard at Atkins
He's running around Prague in a woman's kilt!
So I guess it's up to you and I Sue
To keep this poetic thread alive and swell
Unless we can shame a response from
M & M, Dan the man or the crew named Greenwell!
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