On October the 4th, I jumped on the plane
and travelled down south to the thunder and rainI left a sunny, bright and lovely fall day
which isn't unusual up here in T. Bay.
Arriving in Oakville, the weather had cleared
and my safe timely arrival had mother quite cheered
I spent the first night on open out couch
and found the next day to have developed a slouch
That next morning I acquired a shiny beige auto
and risked life and limb on a trip to Toronto
I missed the exit that would get me to Parkside
but found the right house therefore ending the ride
Took Erin to work next day bright and early
and spent the day shopping in the hurly and burly
All the stores were quite lovely but the real big winner
Was the gigantic IKEA we went to before dinner
Mom, slash, Grammy was collected next day
and we headed to Puslinch about an hour away
We were happy to visit and see the new laddie
(and also his brand new mommy daddy)
Thanksgiving supper was hot and delicious
and before we knew it we were doing the dishes
Great Grandma, Grandpa , Daddy and son
posed for a picture, then the day's work was done

Chloe out on the trail
The rest of the week, the weather was great
and time went by quickly at quite a fast rate
Time once again to get back on the plane
Going home to some snow (wished it was rain)
Love the pictures-I didn't make the connection between Erin and Webkinz until now-Lesley's kids are in love with them. In fact Jamie lost Goldie the golden retriever in Victoria and we retraced our steps, phoned restaurants, Future Shop etc-no luck. She cried herself to sleep.
Anyway it's a hit. BTW tell Erin to update her snalmail address on her resume- I was looking for an e-mail address-which IMHO should be on the main page. But what do I know????
The snow looks lovely but I'll stick with fog.....
Well hello Susan! I hope you don't mind me leaving a hello here for you. I happened across your blog address from an email forwarded to me by Kerri. You have beautiful pictures! Reminds me of home lol! Things are going well here. We have all met a lot of nice people and the kids love school out here. I haven't started working yet; just mooching off the government through EI but I'm sure I won't be able to explain to them for long that I can't find a job in Calgary! Seems a pulse is all that is required! Eric really likes his job and the stress has decreased considerably.
Glad to hear your family is doing so well! Congratulations on all the graduations! Take Care! Jaclyn Height :-)
Sorry it has taken so long to get back
But this rhyming game you know is not an easy knack
It was good to see you and to have you stay
And to sit down altogether on Thanksgiving Day.
You were brave to tour T.O., alone in rented car
Or maybe you spent most of the day hiding in a bar?
Ikea must of been fascinating and very nice
For you to visit in one day, not once but twice!
Chloe was happy to greet and meet you
She found you full of fun and not at all blue
Anyone who would go walking through mud on a trail
Must be a hardy soul and not at all frail.
Enough of this banter, my mind has gone
The hour is getting late, the sun has sank
My easy chair is calling, the fireplace a-roaring
It won't be long I fear 'til I'll be a-snoring!
Excellent verses, I really must say
to read that reply brightened my day
At least one in the family attempts the rhyme,
But maybe you and I are the only ones with the time
I have been a bit busy since returning to the fold
and have painted the bedroom a lovely bright gold
I think Bob would have loved to help with the job
Oh, no, that's right yellow makes his head throb
Next, on to the living room and all it's high walls
I must get a ladder 12 feet high, hope there aren't any falls
I have chosen a taupe, or brownish- beige if you will
A change from light rose will be just a fine thrill
Well, as timberdoodle I too have run out
the lines and ideas will not longer spout
So nighty night night to all you fine kin
Come on drop and line, poetry isn't a sin!
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