Couldn't stand the windsock pic anymore
So many complaints were hard to ignore
I've taken a picture of the festive tree
But there are no boats or shells to see
We used all traditional lights and balls
To decorate our rooms and halls
We wish you all a happy time
And that's the end of this little rhyme
(Well, not yet, wasn't quite done
just ran out of time, I have to run)
It's supper time and it can't wait
Bruce is a bear if dinner is late!.....NOT

I've taken a picture of the festive tree
But there are no boats or shells to see
We used all traditional lights and balls
To decorate our rooms and halls
We wish you all a happy time
And that's the end of this little rhyme
(Well, not yet, wasn't quite done
just ran out of time, I have to run)
It's supper time and it can't wait
Bruce is a bear if dinner is late!.....NOT

Becky and friend off to Christmas dance
Notice Pat, the walls are "Dapper Tan"
Notice Pat, the walls are "Dapper Tan"
My gracious, I nearly fell off my chair!!!
I think the walls look very dapper-let's have a look at the goldilocks upstairs too.
Thought your camera was busted,
But should always have trusted,
That now with the season,
You have a good reason
For sending this posting,
Before the turkey's in roasting!!
Nice decorations. Is that a real tree, or are those scarce in Dorion?
The tree is a fake one
There are many out backy
As all's said and done
This one's not too tacky!
Who the heck is that and how do we get to make $2000.000???
I don't know, but it's suspicious...I think I will delete it
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