Happy, but chilly on Christmas Day

We were jabbing, trying to protect our faces, and laughing all at the same time...
sore muscles the next day were the result of all this fun!!!
Still not sure I have the hang of Wii.

Okay, some wives may get silk and satin for Christmas, but here in the north wives get
duck cloth snow-plowing suits! Oh, and webkinz and a stainless spoon rest for the stove.
What a HOOT!
not seeing any comments...have any of you been admiring my duds?
Sorry it took so long for me to comment but I was really just overwhemed by the cutting edge couture available in the great white north.(move over Armani!)
I do however admire the sentiment
behind the gift warmth and high fashion can't beat that.
A real step up from the 2 pigs I got for an anniversary gift one year
couldn't comment...I was speechless...
My hands were busy covering my ears from the high-pitched hollering that I could hear while you and Bruce were 'duking' it out!!!
I can only agree with everyone else.What a fashion queen
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